hunting land for sale

Cash Crop / Fruit Farm Property For Sale in Manistee & Bear Lake Townships, Manistee County, Michigan

Plat Map:

Property Location:

Manistee County, Bear Lake Township, Sections 23 & 34 ​

Property Description:

Total Acreage Parcel 1: 146

Tillable Acreage: 135 (-/+) ​

Land Use: Cherry Orchards: 135 acres ​

Land Type: Gently rolling ground ​

Irrigation: Yes: drip irrigation, wells on property, natural pond. Well: 6-inch diameter, 150 foot depth, 3.5 HP pump with 80 gpm capacity Drip irrigation throughout 3-acre pond utilized for irrigation and recreation Well: 4-inch diameter, 180 foot depth, 3.5 HP pump with 75 gpm capacity ​

Soil Survey: Not available at this time.

Cherry Orchard Production History *
2013: 744,000
2014: 850,000
2015: 149,000 ** ​

* Pounds are per total acreage of each farm.
** A spring frost event resulted in a material production loss in 2015. 2013 and 2014 reflect the trend of increasing production.

Additional Information on Cherry Orchard
List of Cherry Types Present:
Montmorenci - 130 acres
Benton - 5 acres ​

Building Information:
Home: 1,350 sqft 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with septic, domestic well and 352 sqft garage
Mobile Home: mobile home with domestic well, septic tank, and garage
Shop: 1,400 sqft equipment shop with concrete floor
Barn: 6,000 sqft barn and one pole barn Shed: 1,500 sqft spray shed
Deer Fence: 10,560 linear feet of 8-foot tall deer fence
Deer Fence: 6,000 linear feet of 8-foot tall deer fence
Shed: 7,200 sqft equipment shed with concrete floor and 440V electric service

Total Acreage Parcel 2: 196
Tillable Acreage: 143 (-/+) ​

Land Use: Asparagus: 143 acres ​

Land Type: Gently rolling ground ​

Asking Price:

$5,500,000 (Price includes cash crop property) ​


Doug Oberst (269) 934-9970

Property Photos:

Contact us today for a No-Cost Consultation

Phone: (269) 934-9970
